Not sure which glue to use for your next wallpaper project? We spoke with several paperhangers to see what their go-to glue is and almost all of them said the same thing – Romans Pro 880.
It’s a starch based clear wallpaper adhesive that can be used for any application.
The 880 blend is literally the most versatile option on the market right now. Romans Pro-880 comes in a 5-gallon bucket or 1 gallon pale and can be used for both commercial and residential jobs.
For residential jobs you dilute the paste with up to a pint of water and for commercial jobs you apply the paste to the wallpaper undiluted.
Romans makes 5 other wallpaper adhesives but like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we found that Romans 880 is just right.
A good glue needs to be strong, lightweight, readily available and not dry too fast. Clay based adhesives are stronger but tend to dry before the installer has a chance to set the paper.
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