Like most home improvement stores, Home Depot does not carry in-stock wallpaper. When it comes to wallcoverings, like us, they are online only. You can purchase tools like adhesive, tape and primer from them but not actual rolls of wallpaper, in the store. You have to go on their website and shop. Samples and rolls are delivered to your door. This applies to all major stores that sell wallpaper – they offer it but it will be online only.
The reason for this is demand. Nationally, wallpaper has made a huge comeback but very few local areas can support a physical wallpaper store. Gone are the days when you could walk into a store and come out with physical double rolls in your hand.
Home Depot, Lowe’s and Sherwin-Williams are no exception. Even physical stores that specialize in just wallpaper will usually just have the books and will order the wallpaper, direct from the manufacturer, after you check out. This is to keep costs down.
Most wallpaper is now purchased online. The process for doing this is as follows:
- Browse the website (by color, design or brand name)
- Save the wallpapers you think you might like to an idea board
- Narrow down your selection
- Order samples to see them up close, in person
- Get your samples. Put them on the wall for a couple days. Make your decision
- Place your order on the website
Other Helpful Design Notes:
- Wallpaper will either be pre-pasted or unpasted. The first one requires no glue and the 2nd one does.
- Rolls are typically sold as single rolls for pricing purposes but only packaged in double rolls (dates back to 1920s).
- Removable patterns are a hot trend right but installers hate them and they're hard to position due to their stickiness.
- There is a large demand for installers in every city but a real short supply. The trade as a whole has not replenished its ranks fast enough and paperhangers in all cities are backed up a month, sometimes more.
- Order extra, no matter who you order your wallpaper from. Please do not try to order JUST ENOUGH wallpaper you think you need. The batch you got might not be available by the time you make your re-order should you come up short or need to make repairs in the future. Better to spend extra ordering extra rolls than to not have enough and start all over.