We want to help you have the easiest possible shopping experience when looking for wallpaper online. That is why we add new options daily – you are nearly guaranteed to find a wallpaper for your taste, style, and budget.
Get started browsing for your current project. Free shipping to Vancouver WA.
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Decorating the inside of a home, office, or facility can be both incredibly enjoyable and frustrating. With online shopping, you have nearly unlimited options to scroll through to find inspiration.
We know that the best way to find inspiration is to remove the things that don’t align with what you want. Most people focus on one of the following four elements when browsing wallpaper options online:
You can start with any one of these elements by clicking on the menu to the left. Select your focus, and sort by price per wallpaper roll to get started. The price of a roll of wallpaper reflects the following four aspects:
Since digital representations don’t provide the best visual representation of how the wallpaper will look in a particular space, you can request samples be sent to your address to check out how it will look. With daily additions, you can return often and find even more styles.
Take a little time to review some of our blog posts as well. It can help you determine the right type of wallpaper for your current project, as well as providing help with calculating how many rolls you need. You can also call and talk to one of our experts who will be happy to answer any questions about your wallpapering project.