We provide a great online experience to people looking for both modern and traditional wallpaper. Our selection is made for all budgets, styles, and tastes.
Browse our complete collection and order samples for direct shipments to your home or office.
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Portland is a place where you can be yourself, and your home is a fantastic way of really letting your individually shine. Wallpaper offers a great way of really personalizing each room of your home. Wallpaper Boulevard has the selection and styles that can help you express in your interior décor. Whether your focus is your budget or something completely unique, we have a wealth of choices to meet your needs and individual tastes.
Navigating around our site is incredibly easy because you can tailor your search based on your primary interest. You can browse by color, room, brand, and style – the four most popular ways of browsing wallpaper. By clicking on the menu on the left side of the screen, you can start your search.
Once you get started, you can filter your search to sort by price so that you can find the selection within you r budget quickly and easily. The cost of wallpaper is based on five different aspects:
We can ship samples and rolls all around Portland and the surrounding area. You may want to start with samples since the images on your computer are digital representations and the actual wallpaper may look a little different.