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Wallpaper Phoenix

Wallpaper is fun, trendy and now more affordable than ever! It's time for a room transformation and hanging new wallpaper is the best way to do it. 

Do you like subtle classic tastes? Or outrageous modern shapes that gets everyone talking? We have something for all types of people and personalities. 

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Phoenix Wallpaper Store
(602) 536-7235

The word is out in Phoenix, AZ - wallpaper is trending again! But don't look for a store because honestly there aren't many, if any, left. Most of the wallpaper is sold online nowadays and Wallpaper Boulevard is leading the way.

We specialize in curating the best wallcovering and putting them all under one roof. New patterns are added daily. When we say there is something for everyone...we really mean it. Wallpaper has come a long way since the 80s and now it's made to be easily hung and removed at the customer's desire. We know people have images of spending days to remove old wallpaper, with chunks of drywall coming down with it, however that could be further from the truth these days. The substrate the paper is made with has changed to be durable and resilient.

Begin your room makeover with us. We have organized the website to be as easy to browse as possible. We can ship samples and rolls of wallpaper to any address in the Phoenix-Glendale-Scottsdale area that is not a PO box. You can now order your favorite patterns from the comfort of your own home or office.