Shop for wallpaper online and get your rolls delivered to your Houston area address.
Residential and commercial patterns. Free shipping on orders over $100.
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Shop for wallpaper online and get your rolls delivered to your Houston home or office. Be chic and decorate your home with trendy wallpaper that will make your room stand out. Paint is out! People use it because it's relatively easy to put up but it's boring. Wallpaper brings a level of depth and drama to a room that paint cannot touch.
Wallpaper can be categorized by three things: color, design and brand. These categories allow you to easily find what you are looking for fast and efficiently. We always recommend picking out 4-5 patterns and ordering samples before placing your actual order. This ensures a correct color match. Keep in mind that prepasted paper means you do not require any glue. You just wet the back and hang the wallpaper on the wall. Even with prepasted wallpaper, you should still prime the walls.
Another thing to note is how wallpaper is priced and sold. It's can be confusing to people who are buying wallpaper for the first time. It's price in single rolls but package and sold in double rolls. This means that if you order 10 single rolls, you will, in fact, receive 5 double rolls in the mail. A double roll is twice the length of a single roll. We ship to the entire Houston-Katy-Woodlands-Sugarland area.
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